Home » What to do WHEN A DOG IS LOST and why insurance can help you

What to do WHEN A DOG IS LOST and why insurance can help you

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your dog is lost

wWhen we lose sight of our dog we panic, but the best thing to do is to calm down and follow these tips to find our  pet as soon as possible.

What To Do?

Many pet owners have experienced what it’s like to lose a pet, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. There’s no worse feeling. We know it’s hard, but at that moment, stay calm. The chances of finding your furry friend when he or she gets lost are very high if you follow some logical patterns in your search.

  • Ask your neighbors
  • Consult with area veterinarians
  •  Ask at local shelters
  •  Make posters
  • Police stations and taxi drivers
  • Organize search raids
  • The best thing is to be prepared

● Ask your neighbors

your dog is lost

Neighbors are anyone who is or has been in the area where your pet has gone missing. Children tend to walk or cycle more than adults and are more likely to remember seeing a dog , so it’s a good idea to ask them too. Also let neighbors in your area know if you were walking in a different area, in case your furry friend is trying to find his way home.

● Consult with area veterinarians

It’s a good idea to call all the vets in the area , as someone may have brought your  pet to their clinic. Check back with them as often as necessary and ask if you can hang a “wanted” poster in the waiting room.

● Ask at local shelters

You should also call animal shelters in the area where you lost your pet. Stop by in person and show them a photo. Stray  dogs can wander quite far, so consider shelters that may be further away.

● Make posters

If your dog hasn’t been found within 24 hours, it’s best to make “wanted” posters and start papering the neighborhood. The poster should include a photo of your  pet – this will be more helpful than a long description. If you can print the photo in color, even better. If not, include a brief description of the dog’s colors and distinguishing features (such as a scar or limp), as well as your contact information.

Don’t just paper the streets, but also social media.

Nowadays, they are a great way to reach a lot more people. Share it on your profile, pass it on to friends and family, Facebook and WhatsApp groups, shelters… Whatever you can think of, the more people see it, the better.

● Police stations and taxi drivers

Go to your nearest police station and report your  dog missing . It is also a good idea to go to taxi drivers and leave them a note.

Keep in mind that both police officers and taxi drivers move around your city a lot , so they have a better chance of seeing your furry friend and calling you if they recognize him!

● Organize search raids

 Your friends and family will surely be willing to help you. Start searching where your dog was lost and gradually increase the radius .

You can also ask your local animal protection association for advice. They are experts in finding and “catching” lost and abandoned animals. They will surely be able to tell you what patterns they usually follow and what strategy you should take to have the best chance of finding your  dog .

For example, remember that if it is summer, it is more likely that an animal will come out at night to look for food, and that it will be sheltered from the heat during the day. In any case, it will be a disoriented animal, so if you can, ask people along the way to try to find out the route it may have taken, also putting up signs.

And above all, don’t lose hope. At  Snau we have experienced a case with a happy ending first hand, everything is possible!

● The best thing is to be prepared

If your dog has a microchip, it will be easier to find him , since any veterinary clinic will be able to read the device and know where the animal lives. Collars can get caught and come off. Tags are useful as long as the  dog does not lose the collar.

In Spain, many animals are found every day that  surely have an owner, but do not have a microchip… This makes it very difficult for them to return home. That is why microchips will ensure that the animal has a permanent identification.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]
your dog is lost

Is dog insurance useful if my pet gets lost?

In addition to all this, you can be prepared in case your pet ever gets lost. Dog insurance can cover the costs of loss or theft, so in these cases, it can be a great help.

From our experience, the more signs you put up the better, and even better if they are in color so that your  dog can be easily recognized .

An insurance policy can help you with the costs of printing and placing advertisements on the street and in the media (for example in the press). In addition, there are veterinary expenses . Keep in mind that when you find your dog, after the reunion, it is important to take him to the vet as soon as possible to make sure everything is okay.


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