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Why Do Dogs Howl?

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why do dogs howl?

The do dogs howl?

Howling, although a characteristic wolf sound, is a means of communication that in certain circumstances also belongs to the dog, its direct descendant.
There are many reason of dogs howling like:

  • Communication
  • Lack of something
  • Uncomfortable

In fact, dogs communicate with each other (and not only) in different ways: first of all through posture, but also by barking and, in situations of discomfort, discomfort or “need”, by howling. And this is what we will talk about in this article: why do dogs howl ? How can you understand if your four-legged friend has something wrong and fix it, distracting him and eliminating the cause of the annoyance?.

The dog’s howl

Like all living beings, dogs also have their own way of communicating, addressing their peers but also us humans, with whom they often deal. Even though they cannot speak as we would, they still find a way to show us affection, to make us understand their needs and to make us understand when something bothers or disturbs them. If a dog howls, it is certainly showing frustration , it is missing something or it is asking for attention. It is therefore essential to understand what the problem is, for the well-being of your dog and to make sure that it does not attract the attention of the entire neighborhood with its howls.

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Dogs Howling Meaning

why do dogs howl?

It is very important to understand if your dog has something wrong and what is pushing him to howl, knowing that this reaction is certainly not synonymous with serenity. Let’s see what the triggers can be :

  1. Often a certain type of noise , especially if particularly high-pitched, continuous and annoying, can disturb the dog to the point of pushing him to howl to show his discomfort. Whether it is an emergency vehicle siren, a telephone ringtone, the sound of an intercom, various noises coming from the street or from the same apartment where the animal is located.
  2. A dog that howls, very often, is showing the lack of something or someone , especially if he finds himself alone at home for a long time and wants company. He may suffer from the lack of his owner and therefore not feel protected, or alternatively he may have heard the howling of other dogs nearby, perhaps females in heat.
  3. If the dog is kept in extremely uncomfortable conditions , in environments that are too narrow, too hot or too cold, poorly lit and poorly ventilated, howling is the least we can do. We hope that it never happens and that similar levels are never reached.

These are just some of the reasons that could lead the dog to howl, and therefore to show discomfort and uneasiness, but there are an infinite number of them and it is up to us to try to interpret the signals that our four-legged friend is sending us. The important thing is always to intervene by removing the cause of the discomfort , avoiding annoying him with certain noises and above all dedicating much more time and attention to him: a dog that is pampered, loved and treated like one of the family is always a happy dog.

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