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How does summer heat affect your dog?

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summer heat affect your dog

Mitigating the summer heat affect your dog it is crucial to maintaining their health and well-being. Here are some practical tips to help your pet stay cool and comfortable during the hottest months of the year.

1- Symptoms of heatstroke include:

If your dog is exposed to too much heat, they can develop heatstroke, which is a life-threatening condition. Heatstroke occurs when the body’s temperature rises too high and the body is unable to cool itself down.

  • Panting excessively
  • Drooling
  • Bright red or purple gums
  • Rapid breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousnes

2- What to Do?

If you think your dog is experiencing heatstroke, you should take them to the vet immediately. While you’re waiting for help, you can try to cool your dog down by:

  • Placing them in a cool bath or shower
  • Applying cool water to their head, neck, and chest
  • Fanning them with a towel or newspaper
  • Giving them small amounts of cool water to drink

It’s important to prevent heatstroke from happening in the first place. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep your dog indoors during the hottest part of the day.
  • Make sure your dog has access to plenty of shade and water.
  • Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening, when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Never leave your dog in a parked car, even for a few minutes.
  • If you’re going to be outside with your dog, bring along a portable water bowl and a shady spot for them to rest.

Constant hydration:

Make sure your dog always has access to fresh, clean water. Place several bowls of water in different areas of the house and, if you go out, carry a water bottle and a portable bowl for your dog. Adding ice cubes to the water can help keep it colder for longer.

Shade and shelter:

Provide shaded areas for your dog to take refuge from the sun. If your dog spends time in the yard, make sure there are plenty of shaded areas or consider installing a parasol or pet tent. Indoors, keeping curtains closed during the hottest hours can help reduce indoor temperatures.

Avoid walks during peak heat hours:

Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to walk your dog. During these hours, temperatures are lower and surfaces such as asphalt are less hot, which protects your dog’s paws from burns. We recommend going out with a water sprayer and even for more sensitive breeds there are refrigerated vests to keep your dog’s body cool.

Keep the environment cool:

Use fans or air conditioning to keep the house cool. You can also place damp towels on the floor or a cooling mat designed for pets. Some dogs enjoy splashing around in a kiddie pool, which can be a fun way to cool off.

Proper nutrition:

Offer light, fresh food. In summer, some dogs may prefer wet food, which also helps keep them hydrated. Avoid heavy foods that can generate more metabolic heat.

Beware of sensitive breeds:

If you have a brachycephalic breed like a bulldog or pug, take extra precautions. These dogs are more susceptible to heat stroke due to their anatomy. Keep them in well-ventilated environments and avoid any strenuous activity.

Grooming sessions:

Last but not least, you have to take into account the type of hair your pet has. Dogs like huskies, Pomeranians, Shibas, and Labradors cannot have their hair cut, but it is important that you help them with a good de-shedding to get rid of the excess shedding that is typical of this time of year. For dogs that do have their hair cut, like a Bichon or a Yorkshire Terrier, it is essential to leave it a minimum length to protect their skin from the sun. Our dogs can also get sunburned!

By following these tips, you can help your dog cope better with the summer heat and enjoy this season safely and comfortably. We explain everything in more detail below.

summer heat affect your dog


3-The Impact of Summer Heat on Your Dog’s Health and Well-bein

Summer heat can have a significant impact on your dog’s health and well-being. It’s crucial to be aware of how high temperatures can affect your pet in order to take steps to protect them. During the summer, dogs are especially vulnerable to heat due to their physiology and certain natural behaviors.

summer heat affect your dog?

Understanding Your Dog’s Limited Ability to Regulate Body Temperature

First, dogs do not have the same ability to regulate their body temperature as humans do. While we sweat to cool ourselves, dogs can only release heat through panting and the pads of their paws. This means that in the summer, when the heat is at its most intense, dogs can quickly overheat if proper precautions are not taken. A dog that is exposed to excessive heat can suffer from heat exhaustion or even heat stroke, conditions that are potentially life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion in Dogs

Heat exhaustion in dogs manifests itself through several symptoms, including excessive panting, profuse salivation, weakness, vomiting, and in severe cases, collapse. During the summer, it is essential to provide your dog with constant access to fresh water and shade. If possible, keep your dog indoors during the hottest hours of the day and avoid walking him on hot surfaces, such as asphalt, which can burn his paws.

summer heat affect your dog?

4- How Summer Heat Can Worsen Preexisting Health Conditions in Dogs

Another way summer heat affects dogs is through their diet. Dogs may have less appetite when it’s hot, which is a natural response to reduce metabolic heat production. It’s important to adjust their diet and make sure they have access to fresh, light foods. Additionally, some dogs may benefit from wet food or pet-specific frozen foods that help keep them hydrated and cool.

5- Managing Your Dog’s Activity Levels in Hot Weather

Summer heat can also aggravate certain health problems in dogs. For example, dogs with respiratory or heart disease or who are obese are more susceptible to high temperatures. In addition, brachycephalic breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, have greater difficulty breathing in hot conditions due to their anatomy. These dogs require special attention and should be kept cool and in well-ventilated environments to avoid complications.

In addition to physical concerns, summer heat can affect your dog’s behavior. Some dogs may become more lethargic and less active due to the heat. It’s important not to force your dog to do intense exercise during the hottest hours of the day. Instead, opt for walks in the early morning or evening when temperatures are cooler.

The Dangers of Leaving Your Dog in a Hot Car

It is crucial to remember to never leave your dog in a car during the summer, even for a few minutes. Temperatures inside a vehicle can quickly rise to dangerous levels, which can prove fatal for your pet.

The Importance of Proper Coat Care for Dogs During Summer

And last but not least, depending on the breed of your dog, you have to take into account how its coat protects it from the heat. It is just as bad to shave a dog in the summer as it is to not do the corresponding de-shedding of double-coated breeds. It is a myth to say that in the summer we cut their hair to keep them cooler, although it is true that it is necessary to remove excess shedding (hair from the undercoat that they shed when the heat arrives since they do not need it), the issue of shaving or very short cuts can leave our dog’s skin exposed to sunburn and much more vulnerable to high temperatures. If you have dogs such as Pomeranians, Huskies, Labradors, Goldens, Chihuahuas, do a good de-shedding and dogs such as Bichons, Yorkshire Terriers, Schnauzers can be cut but leaving a healthy length that protects their skin from external agents such as extreme sun. We always recommend that if you have any doubts, always ask your hairdresser.


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