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How to help an older dog

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Senior dog care

The size of the dog matters a lot, in addition to the environment in which it lives, the diet and any genetic factors: a large dog ages earlier than a smaller dog, so much so that a Dane, for example, is already considered “senior” at the age of five/six. The situation is different for a Chihuahua, which can only be considered elderly around the age of ten.

The dog’s seniority: what to expect

If your dog is getting older, it is good not to be caught unprepared and to know what to expect in this delicate phase of his life, in order to be able to help him in the right way and prevent (or limit) certain ailments if possible.

Degenerative diseases:
As it happens to us, an elderly dog can develop degenerative diseases such as arthritis, a pathology that no longer allows him to walk, play or jump as he did before. Even getting up, or making seemingly simple movements such as going up and down stairs, can in fact be a problem, and because of the pain it is not easy for him to sleep in certain positions either. In the latter case, get an orthopedic bed, suitable for dogs with similar disorders.

Effecting the dog’s oral cavity :
should also not be underestimated, which should be treated and prevented at a young age if you do not want them to become a more serious problem over time. Your four-legged friend may lose some teeth, and if the condition is even painful it could interfere with his ability to eat. As a result, he would lose weight and start losing hair.

Lose of  weight
But a dog can also lose weight for other reasons or other diseases, such as those affecting the kidneys, heart, liver. However, it is just as common, if not more common, for the dog to gain weight and risk obesity. An older dog obviously tends to be less active than a young one, spending most of its time resting.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”– Bonnie Wilcox”] Old dogs, like old shoes, are comfortable. They might be a little out of shape and a little worn around the edges, but they fit well[/blockquote]

How to help an older dog  

Make sure that your dog lives in a comfortable environment in all respects and that he can take advantage of special accommodations according to the degree of disability.

  • Feeding senior dog
  • Visits to the vet
  • Exercise
  • Oral hygiene

In case of arthritis, a disease that prevents him from walking for very long, you can also get a special dog stroller so that he does not give up the walks he loves so much. As mentioned above, orthopedic tables are also useful in these situations, so that the animal can rest more comfortably

Feeding senior dogYour Dog Feel Comfortable at the Vet?

Pay special attention to your dog’s diet. This applies to all stages of his life, but as old age approaches, and in the period of old age itself, it is especially important that he eats quality food. Also by reading the labels of the products on the market, evaluate the type of diet that best suits his needs and lifestyle, to ensure that he maintains an ideal weight. You can ask your veterinarian for advice, especially in the case of overweight dogs, who are at risk of developing various diseases including diabetes. They therefore need to be followed to guarantee them all the nutrients they need, without this leading to weight gain. There are special, low-calorie foods on the market rich in L-carnitine. Feed your four-legged friend a low-sodium diet if he has heart disease or kidney disease.

In addition, it is very useful to include fatty acids such as EPA and DHA in the diet, which are particularly suitable for dogs suffering from arthritis and joint diseases in general, but also glucosamine and chondroitin.

Visits to the vet

Take him to the vet regularly to have him examined, even when he seems healthy: at least one visit a year is essential. It is much better to be safe than sorry, since there are diseases that are not always obvious. During the same visit, the veterinarian can therefore assess the general state of health of the animal and its body condition, its weight, etc., giving you some advice if necessary. You too feel free to ask anything you want to know.


Do not neglect physical exercise, which is very important in dogs, both at a young age and in old age. Without forcing him or making him too tired, make sure he walks at least a little every day, and this will help his joints and muscles to stay healthy. Travel small distances with him, and only if he proves to be cooperative do you gradually push yourself further. In any case, avoid letting it out on particularly hot days.

Oral hygiene

We have already specified above how important it is to take care of his mouth, so arm yourself with patience and good will and make sure to brush his teeth every day. If you get him used to it from an early age, the operation will be easier. Alternatively, buy special toys that your dog can munch on to keep their teeth clean, such as bones. Only in extreme cases is it useful to carry out a thorough cleaning at the veterinarian.

Transporting the dog

Some products can help you move around with your dog. These products can obviously be useful with all dogs and especially with older dogs.


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