Home » Raising Dogs of Different Breeds Together

Raising Dogs of Different Breeds Together

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The Most Affectionate Dog Breeds


  1. Different dogs, different training?
  2. Is it always better to train one dog at a time?
  3. What are the risks of training multiple different breeds?
  4. Different, but similar

1- Different dogs, different training?

The answer to this question cannot be categorical. If theThe learning process , in fact, is the same in every dog, it is still worth adapting your educational approach based on the individual furry friend.

The reason is very simple: what changes fromdog to dog are the starting requirements .

Belonging to one breed or another is not the only aspect to consider when understanding how to relate to your furry friend. Every dog ​​is different and often even within the same breed, if not even the same one.litter , there are quite a few differences between one furry friend and another.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a purebred or acrossbreed : some dogs learn very quickly and sometimes forget commands just as quickly, while others still need a little time but then forever retain what they have learned.

Raising dogs of different breeds together can be complicated, for example, with specimens that are easily distracted by their own kind, or in the case of dogs with a strong predatory instinct , which naturally require an education specifically tailored to this characteristic.

The most stubborn and independent furry friends understand their human immediately, but they always need a valid reason to decide toobey !

A word of advice:  Consistent training based on positive reinforcement usually works well with any type of dog.

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]

2- Is it always better to train one dog at a time?

There are many situations in which it is best to follow one dog at a time when it comes to training, but some exercises in particular lend themselves well to being proposed to multiple dogs at the same time.

In everyday life , raising dogs of different breeds together shouldn’t create problems and, in fact, with the right approach, it could be a lot of fun.

When is it best to focus on just one dog?

If you want to train different dogs at the same time, you’d better organize yourself well and define your training program precisely .

For example, it may make sense to dedicate a few minutes each day to just one dog , while the other rests in another room: doing some simple exercises one on one will strengthen your bond and your furry friend’s self-esteem.

This will also allow you to focus on the particular needs of the individual dog and eliminate possible sources of distraction during your lessons.

If you choose to try using theclicker as a training methodology, it is essential to always proceed with only one dog at a time, at least at the beginning.

Training Multiple Dogs Together: When Does It Work Best?

Even joint training of different dogs is a viable and sometimes even sensible way to learn to face everyday life together .

Some exercises work particularly well even with three dogs, for example when it comes to reinforcing certain commands that were already learned during training with two dogs.

Seeing your furry companion do an exercise correctly can also have a motivating effect on the dog! This is one of the cases in which raising dogs of different breeds together bears its greatest fruit.

If you already have a fair amount of experience in clicker training, you can certainly work in parallel with both of your dogs: it will be fun.

Education is the order of the day

In contexts of When multiple dogs live together,  it is important to offer your four-legged friends short training sessions every day , both individually and together with their furry roommate.

This way you prevent the dog from getting used to different training methods.

For example, a furry friend with a more timid and insecure nature who finds himself forced to enter the confusion of a restaurant or a bar will certainly benefit from the company of a furry companion who is more accustomed to this type of environment, and will be able to relax more easily.

Only later will you be able to go to the same place bringing only one dog at a time: in this way they will both learn to be comfortable in that environment even when alone.
Filaria is a potentially fatal disease, with a very slow progression.

3- What are the risks of training multiple different breeds?

We know well how important the timing of the reaction between the dog’s behavior and thereward .

By training two or more dogs at the same time, you risk missing this fundamental connection . In this sense, raising dogs of different breeds together can be really challenging and can seriously challenge anyone who has no training experience.

For example, it is important to choose a specific exclamation of encouragement for each furry friend, to avoid confusion and ensure that the furry friend you are rewarding understands that you are referring to him specifically.

Let’s not even talk about the situation in which two or more dogs find themselves living together.puberty . It can be really hard work!

In any case, do not despair, with a little patience everything is possible. For example, if one of the dogs knows the basic commands , it already gives you a great help: it can be an example to the younger furry one or even to the one you have just adopted.

During training sessions, be careful not to reverse the hierarchy that has been created between the dogs: if the dog at the lowest hierarchical level were to give his best and receive many rewards in front of the eyes of the “pack leader”, the latter might not take it well.

A good sensitivity in understanding these dynamics and a certain amount of empathy are fundamental prerequisites when you find yourself raising dogs of different breeds together.

 Tips for training multiple dogs at once

The more similar the dogs are, both in temperament and physical constitution, the easier it will be to educate and train them at the same time.

But if your furry friends are all particularly independent and determined and do not like orders given from above, you will have to arm yourself with patience and, first of all, do everything possible to be accepted as a point of reference.

Finding yourself facing a diligent schoolboy and a first-rate naughty boy will get you nowhere.

In any case, if you want to raise dogs of different breeds together, you can take a look at the FCI classification to perhaps orient yourself towards dogs with common characteristics .

This is obviously indicative information, but the division into groups already gives an idea of ​​the basic needs of the dogs that are part of it, for example with regards to education or physical activity.

Below is a brief overview of the different groups:


Sheepdogs are intelligent, territorial and obedient, of course if trained properly.

Born as a working breed, these dogs feel fulfilled in carrying out specific tasks.

Breeds:German Shepherd , Belgian Shepherd


Dogs in the Cattle Dog category  learn very quickly and need a lot of stimulation, both physically and mentally.

They are very independent and therefore need a very authoritative human point of reference.

Breeds: Border Collie , Pyrenean Mastiff


Dogs belonging to the Molosser group have a very territorial nature and are always ready to defend their pack tooth and nail.

They need an authoritative and coherent, but equally empathetic education .

Getting two adult dogs of this species to get along can be quite a challenge, which certainly also complicates any joint training project.

In your favor is the fact that giant breed dogs are considered adults relatively late compared to other furry friends: this means that you have a little more time to try to train them.

Breeds: Bullmastiff , Great Dane .

Sheepdogs for the protection of flocks

These dogs combine the characteristics of territoriality and independence of their cousins ​​the Cattle Dogs and Molossoids.

Their training requires a certain amount of canine experience : certainly they are not dogs that are always ready to obey any order, but it is also true that a consistent education by an authoritative point of reference can give excellent results.

Little inclined to practicedog sports , they need a lot of outdoor space in which to give vent to their herding nature.

It is better to train them without the distraction of other specimens , even if for them the socialization  is very important.

Breeds :  Kuvasz ,  Komondor .


Terriers  are what are commonly referred to as “ hunting dogs ”.

Precisely because of the purpose for which they were originally bred, in addition to virtues such as courage and independence these dogs can also show a rather aggressive attitude .

When training a Terrier, therefore, it is important to be careful not to positively reinforce behaviors of this type.

If, on the one hand, they are very independent, solitary and absolutely impatient dogs , they are also very intelligent: with a little experience it will not be difficult to obtain a good level of education.

Joint training is only conceivable with specimens with good basic socialization .

Breeds: Jack Russell Terrier , Lakeland Terrier .

 Bull Terriers , the result of crossing bulldogs and terriers, were initially bred to help butchers in killing bulls and were later also used in bloody battles. dog fighting .

Despite their unfortunate past, they are extremely affectionate dogs and, if well trained, show a strong and self-confident character.

Breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier .


Certainly intelligent and docile, characteristics that prove to be excellent allies during training, theDachshunds can also be cute stubborn dogs.

They certainly do not accept with resignation any order coming from above, but they always try to have their say.

They are very courageous dogs and, like Terriers, not very sociable .

A good education, made of coherence, sweetness and patience, can make the Dachshund an example of obedience.


Spitz  are very independent dogs, with a strong protective instinct and a guarding nature but absolutely uninterested in pleasing their human.

Asian Spitz are more inclined to hunting than European specimens.

These dogs form an unbreakable bond with their human while being particularly wary of both strangers and their own kind.

Breeds :  German Spitz , Shiba Inu .

Among the breeds belonging to this group, the  Japanese Spitz is the easiest to train: in fact, in terms of character, it differs greatly from its European relatives.

Other hunting dogs

The sixth group hosts many hunting dogs with a particularly visceral nature .

Most of the breeds belonging to this group are perfect exclusively as hunting companions , the only activity in which these dogs feel fully fulfilled.

They like to live in packs and are used to coexistence and collaboration with other dogs.

Not very territorial, they are very obedient and willingly accept any order that comes from their beloved human.

Breeds:  Bloodhound , American Foxhound .

Pointing dogs

Even pointing dogs feel perfectly at ease in the hands of a hunter and it is particularly difficult to find alternative activities to hunting that stimulate and engage them in the same way.

Although they are very docile and obedient , in everyday life their strong predatory instinct can sometimes take over.

They are very sociable dogs and for this reason they are well suited to being trained even in the company of a furry friend.

Breeds:  Continental pointing dogs such as the  Italian Pointer  and the Griffon, as well as the elegant British Setters .
Retrievers, Flushing Dogs and Water Dogs

Even within this group it is not difficult to encounter some hunting dogs: draft dogs such as the English Springer Spaniel often show a very marked predatory instinct, unlike for example Retrievers and water dogs .

The latter, in fact, love to please their human , get along very well with other dogs and are very affectionate and friendly towards people. All excellent starting requirements for successful training together with other furry friends .

Breeds: Golden Retriever ,  Barbet , English Cocker Spaniel .

Companion dogs

As the definition suggests, companion dogs  are characterized by the loyalty and affection that binds them to their human reference point, with whom they love to spend as much time as possible.

Precisely because of this bond, they are highly motivated in learning .

For this feature, the following stands out: Poodle , a breed closely related to water dogs.

A well-socialized companion dog will undoubtedly appreciate a few training sessions with other four-legged friends.

Other breeds: Bichons and similar , Chihuahua ,  King Charles Spaniel .

We must not forget the small sized Molossoids , such as theFrench Bulldogs , certainly less inclined to obey than their companion friends.


Greyhounds are very independent dogs and like to do things their own way. A good run certainly satisfies them more than exercises and mental stimulation 

Especially the short-haired Greyhounds develop a very affectionate relationship with their humans .

They have a strong predatory instinct : so be careful to let them run free in large, unfenced spaces.

The Irish Wolfhound is an exception to this, as it is not very inclined to hunting but is very cooperative with its human.

Precisely because of this stubborn temperament, it is best to reserve one-on-one training sessions for Greyhounds .

Other breeds: Whippet , Afghan Hound .

4-Different, but similar

By necessity, this brief overview of ours does not include all the officially recognized breeds and therefore cannot be considered complete. Missing, just as an example, are the various so-called “primitive type” specimens or the Nordic hunting and sled dogs.

Raising dogs of different breeds together, from an educational perspective, can give better results if the specimens are part of the same group or at least of groups with similar characteristics.

It should always be kept in mind, however, that the characteristics we are talking about cannot absolutely be valid for all dogs and must therefore be interpreted with flexibility .

It doesn’t matter whether you have a purebred or a mixed breed dog at your side, what matters is getting to know him thoroughly to calibrate the educational methodology to his specific characteristics.

Don’t overdo it with training and remember that for specimens not used to living with other similar ones, just the fact of sharing some exercises with another furry friend is a great life lesson.

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