Home » Female Dog Names: The 100 Best Used and Their Meanings

Female Dog Names: The 100 Best Used and Their Meanings

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Female Dog Names

Summery :

  1. The most beautiful names for female dogs
  2. Female Dog Names 2023
  3. Short Female Dog Names
  4. Original female dog names
  5. Sweet Female Dog Names
  6. Meaningful Female Dog Names
  7. Italian Female Dog Names
  8. English Female Dog Names
  9. Female Dog Names Inspired by Movies
  10. Funny Female Dog Names
  11. 100 Names for Female Dogs

1- The most beautiful names for female dogs

Finally your dream is about to come true: a four-legged friend is coming to your house. Or rather, a friend, because you already know that it is a girl: you have seen her, you have chosen her and… now you just have to figure out what to call her. Yes, the choice can be difficult, but don’t worry: we will take care of clarifying things by providing you with a series of female dog names  that will be just right for you.
Understand your dog

[blockquote align=”none” author=”Steve Jobs”]Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking[/blockquote]

2- Female Dog Names 2024

  • Barbie
  • Becca
  • Carmen
  • Gwen
  • Ember
  • Flora
  • Keeley
  • Mary
  • Maggie
  • Peach
  • Poppy
  • Sofia

Just like the names for male dogs , even the names for female dogs can be influenced by films, TV series, events, characters and/or current events from year to year. As you will notice in this short list that we have provided, in fact, there is a bit of everything: from the film about the most beloved doll in the world to TV series. And if you have not found anything, do not worry: we are still at the beginning!

3- Short Female Dog Names

  • Asia
  • Air
  • Bea
  • Goddess
  • Dixy
  • Ivy
  • I
  • My
  • Rea
  • Grape

Are you a fan of simplicity and want a short, easy, simple name for your future four-legged friend ? We have provided you with a micro-list that you can use and we can also tell you that these are very popular names. We also want to point out that, in reality, choosing a short name is absolutely correct, even ideal : many experts, in fact, underline that a short name helps the animal to immediately make associations and to listen better.

4- Original female dog names

  • Astra
  • BoBeep
  • Daphne
  • Lycia
  • Lamù
  • Marian
  • Megara
  • Nala
  • Penny
  • Tinkerbell
  • Trudy
  • Ursula
  • Venus

The most popular and short names didn’t work? Do you need something more? The short list of original names for female dogs that we just made should work, and if it doesn’t… there’s still a long way to go, you’ll find something! However, regarding the names you just read, know that using them will give your beloved four-legged friend’s personality an extra boost : take your time and consider them properly!

Sweet Female Dog Names

  • Soul
  • Girl
  • Baba
  • Little girl
  • Cinnamon
  • Desired (Desi)
  • Heart
  • Sweet
  • Joy
  • Honey
  • Mimosa
  • Cream
  • Small
  • Pearl
  • Spark

Your much- desired dog will be the light of your eyes , the spark that unleashes your emotions, a piece of your heart … right? These words alone are enough to provide you with all the right inspiration for her name. Of course, all the tender names, pet names and any… names of sweet things to eat are also fine.

Almost anything (especially if it’s easy and musical) can work for you. In the end, think about it: it’s in the simplest things (and terms) that the greatest meanings are hidden!

Meaningful Female Dog Names

  • Alpha
  • Ada
  • Athena
  • Artemis
  • Sunrise
  • Circe
  • Coco
  • Cora
  • Cleopatra
  • Dora
  • Hecate
  • Flame
  • Frida
  • Gala
  • Grace
  • Zoe

In case you want your four-legged friend’s name to have a certain meaning, here we are: the small list we have given you starts (not by chance) with Alfa, which is synonymous with ” beginning, principle ” and goes through Dora, which means ” gift “. Again, we have Gala, which means ” white as milk ” and Zoe , which means life.

In the list we have also included some goddesses and protagonists of Greek/Roman mythology, as well as names of women who have made history , but the truth is that the list would be very long: think of your heroines and you will have the right overview!

Italian Female Dog Names

  • Happy
  • Aida
  • Soul
  • Oats
  • Aurora
  • Pretty
  • Crumb
  • Rascal
  • White
  • Bubble
  • Dear
  • Nice
  • Cuddle
  • Celeste
  • Comet
  • Diana
  • Delight
  • Divine
  • Sweet
  • Flower
  • Arrow
  • Jade
  • Joy
  • Drop
  • Imma
  • Iris
  • Lolita
  • Lola
  • Moon
  • Light
  • Memories
  • Navy
  • Snow
  • Black
  • Bear
  • Wave
  • Ball
  • Wave
  • Rose
  • Sun
  • Star
  • Life
  • True
  • Zeta

And what if you wanted to give your little dog on the way an all-Italian name? Here too there is a wide, very wide choice . Leaving aside the longer and more “human” names, many female names are very applicable to our future four-legged friend, including those shortened or made more friendly.

Our list, in fact, is probably just the tip of the iceberg. There are many alternatives and you just have to think of names that you particularly like to have new ideas. However, let’s face it: the list we have made for you certainly includes all the most beautiful ones!

English Female Dog Names

  • Air
  • Beauty
  • Blossom
  • Cake
  • Crazy
  • Dream
  • Faith
  • Fun
  • Girl
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Moon
  • Nice
  • Princess
  • Queen
  • Rainbow
  • Sun
  • Trust
  • Unity
  • Vanity

Let’s face it: English names for female dogs are not only very numerous, but they are also very common . We have tried to list the most popular, the simplest and the most understandable (from Air, to Hope and Queen ) . Of course you could find others, but remember: always try not to overdo it and make sure that your dog’s name is simple, for you and for her.

Female Dog Names Inspired by Movies

  • Ariel
  • Alice
  • Amelia
  • Amelie
  • Audrey
  • Boo
  • Carrie
  • Charlotte
  • Eve
  • Hedwig
  • Hermione
  • Jasmine
  • Louise
  • Merida
  • Moana
  • Mulan
  • Miranda
  • Samantha
  • Tyana
  • Thelma
  • Wendy

From Disney Princesses to Pixar movie protagonists, from Sex and The City characters to Harry Potter , passing through many, many other great classics: there are many more names for female dogs inspired by cinema than those we have listed. And we also have a suggestion for you: think of your favorite movies/cartoons/animated masterpieces and… voilà, you might just have the right name at your fingertips !

Funny Female Dog Names

  • Admired
  • Turned on
  • Basin
  • Funny
  • Diva
  • Lucky
  • Felicina
  • Grandmother
  • Stain
  • Mascara
  • Music
  • He wags his tail
  • Peletta
  • Vampire
  • Aunt
  • Pumpkin

We’re not done yet! Maybe when you first saw your puppy you realized that she was already more than willing to wag her tail or that she was so affectionate that she showered you with kisses . Maybe you noticed that she always seemed happy , that she was a little clumsy and made you laugh, or that she had a very expressive tail … in short, you noticed something really funny and you want to point it out.

Well, no problem: the ones we just listed are some fun names that could really suit you. And if you’re not satisfied, don’t worry: we still have some surprises in store for you!

100 Names for Female Dogs

  1. Abra
  2. Akirah
  3. Alyssa
  4. Amine
  5. Oats
  6. Babe
  7. Banana
  8. Baby
  9. Becca
  10. Baddie
  11. Befy
  12. Bis
  13. Brenda
  14. Good
  15. Breeze
  16. Nock
  17. Caress
  18. Coca
  19. Countess
  20. Cordelia
  21. Cheops
  22. Cully
  23. Dada
  24. Dahlia
  25. Delia
  26. Dani
  27. Diletta (or Dile)
  28. Diamond
  29. Elda
  30. Electra
  31. Elf
  32. Ema
  33. Star
  34. Erin
  35. Erika
  36. Avoid
  37. Will do
  38. Fanny
  39. Moth
  40. Butterfly
  41. Gunwale
  42. Fairy tale
  43. Cornflower
  44. Finny
  45. Fiorella
  46. Strawberry
  47. Freesia
  48. Joy
  49. JELLY
  50. Gem
  51. Ginny
  52. Gala
  53. Gardenia
  54. Grace
  55. Jasmine
  56. Lily
  57. Isolde
  58. Izzy
  59. Kaila
  60. Kale
  61. Kamy
  62. Kim
  63. Kikka
  64. Kyoto
  65. Lulu
  66. Lira
  67. Lella
  68. Linda
  69. Liu
  70. Madame (or Madama)
  71. Marchioness
  72. Jam
  73. Little car
  74. Moira
  75. Merry
  76. Naya
  77. Nanna
  78. Naomi
  79. Nelly
  80. Number
  81. Osha
  82. Omelette
  83. Pippy
  84. Pimpa
  85. Priscilla
  86. Rosette
  87. Rosebud
  88. Queen
  89. Ramona
  90. Sand
  91. Selene
  92. Sandy
  93. Taka
  94. Tosca
  95. Tina
  96. Velma
  97. Vanya
  98. Venus
  99. Zahira
  100. Tusk

In case the ones just listed weren’t enough for you, we thought it would be a good idea to conclude with a roundup of 100 more names for female dogs , different from those listed and suitable for all breeds, sizes and needs. We bet that thanks to this long series of ideas, you will find the one that’s right for you, but remember: the important thing is to choose with your heart and feel emotion when you associate the word with the little ball of fur that you will soon cuddle!

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