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Does the dog know when to stop?

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dog know when to stop


  • Does the dog know when to stop?
  • How long can a dog run?
  • How do you scold a dog?
  • What to do if the dog does not obey?
  • How do you train a dog to obey?

[blockquote align=”none” author=”— Konrad Lorenz”]The bond with a true dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth will ever be.”

Does the dog know when to stop?

A dog knows exactly when to stop running . Not only does it stop, but it also sends unmistakable signals to its owner. Among these, here is the most frequent: the animal sits down, refusing to continue, often forcing the owner to pick it up.

How long can a dog run?

  • About 1 hour, but time varies by age and breed.

A dog can run for about 1 hour , but you need to pay attention to some elements. Age has a specific weight in this respect. You certainly can’t expect a puppy to be able to resist for that long. Young dogs should exercise outdoors twice a day, calculating 5 minutes for each month of life . Depending on the breed, the animal becomes an adult between 6 and 18 months.

At this stage the calculation varies, taking into account the physical condition and the level of training. You can’t even try to make a dog run for 1 hour in a weeping state. You need to start with 10-minute sessions, training his resistance. In a short time you can raise the bar, moving on to 20-minute jogging sessions in pairs. You need to remember not to overdo it , then reaching the 40-minute threshold and, when you are sure of the dog’s ability and desire, you can run for 1 hour, approximately, going out twice a day for a maximum total of 12 km. They can be more than enough, unless you have specific competitive training.

How do you scold a dog?

  • Acting firmly, without punishing them or shouting.

Scolding or reprimanding a dog is only okay if you do not give in to frustration. It would therefore be necessary to direct the dog towards a certain behavior, starting to educate him from when he is a puppy . It is advisable to start from 2-4 months, clarifying two key concepts . The first is ” no “, which is equivalent to an action that is never allowed. The second is ” enough “, with reference to an action that is allowed but with a very precise beginning and end. In no case should the two commands be confused.

Being firm is important , because it allows you to set clear limits. Punishments should be avoided, in favor of rewards when correct behavior occurs. This must be done without smudges , to avoid the opposite result. Giving the command “stop” when the dog barks, for example, should not lead to any reward. Giving a snack at this time will lead the dog to associate barking with food.

To ensure that the message gets through, it should also be accompanied by manual communication. It is advisable to act delicately , simulating the mother’s educational gestures , placing your hand on the animal’s neck, interacting in two different ways.

Finally, it is essential not to waste time. Scolding the dog must happen immediately after a prohibited behavior . However, this must never translate into aggressive and, obviously, violent behavior. The dog must respect the owner, not fear him .


What to do if the dog does not obey?

  • Manage attention better;
  • Manage resources better;
  • Manage spaces better.

If the dog does not obey , it is probably because he is used to getting what he wants without effort . In this way he will give little value to the owner’s concessions. As much as you may love your dog, he is not a child and you cannot communicate with him/her in the same way. You need to show yourself loving but also authoritative . As a leader in the eyes of the dog, to be respected it is essential to manage attention, not always showing yourself available.

However, resources must also be managed , which translates into food. This is a key tool in training a dog . It can be used to educate, reward and ensure respect. However, it is important to differentiate the types, both for the health of the animal and to establish oneself as the leader of the pack. Furthermore, under no circumstances should the dog be allowed to manage resources.

Finally, regarding spaces , it is essential to delimit your territory , for example by protecting your bed and sofa. Those who do not apply this strategy risk a morbid attachment on the part of the animal, as well as a state of separation anxiety .

How do you train a dog to obey?

  • Correct communication;
  • Use of hands;
  • Calm tone;
  • Command not repeated too many times;
  • Use of distractors;

Many believe that to train a dog to obey you need to raise your voice, in order to gain respect and impose your authority. In reality you need to be calm , precise and rigorous in your communication. The message must arrive without the possibility of misunderstanding and will never be repeated more than twice. The dog must understand that the leader of the pack does not intend to waste time.

It is advisable to accompany your command, in a calm tone , with a precise gesture . At the same time, you must be able to recognize appropriate and positive behaviors, rewarding them appropriately. If this is not enough, especially in the early stages of training, you can distract the dog with a sudden noise , signaling an incorrect behavior in a non-verbal way. Nothing will change in a few minutes but, by repeating everything, in a few weeks you will see radical transformations.

If you want to know everything about the world of our animal friends, don’t forget to follow our profile on Instagram and join our Whatsapp channel , an inexhaustible source of news and advice on health and well-being for the whole family.


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