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Tips for adopting a puppy dog

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Tips for adopting a puppy dog

Have you made the decision to adopt a puppy, or have you finally managed to convince the rest of the family? Fantastic. Now it’s time to start off on the right foot : to make it easier for your new little furry friend to settle in, it’s a good idea to find him a home that’s right for him , with everything he needs.


  1. The right bowl for the puppy
  2. Safe Walks: Choosing the Perfect Leash
  3. The importance of creating a little place just for him
  4. Dog toys: a classic for your puppy’s layette
  5. Why include snacks in your furry friend’s welcome kit?
  6. Best Training Accessories: Whistles and Clickers
  7. How to teach your puppy to do his business outside
  8. Groomed from head to paws: the right shampoo for your puppy
  9. The best way to get your puppy used to his new home
  10. Arriving home
  11. Getting your puppy used to his new home: the kennel where he will sleep
  12. In summary: tips to help your puppy settle in

The right bowl for the puppy

When it comes to adopting a puppy, bowls are obviously one of the first accessories to think about. To start, you will need two: one for food and one for water , which should always be left available to the puppy so he can drink whenever he wants.

ahigh quality stainless steel bowl .

A height-adjustable bowl is a great investment , especially if you expect your dog to grow to a large size, as you can use it for a long time, adapting it to the size of the puppy as it grows: this product is in fact made up of a special stand with two stainless steel bowls , adjustable as desired.

The best way to ensure your dog maximum comfort during meals, accompanying him throughout all stages of his growth.


Safe Walks: Choosing the Perfect Leash

Aboutwalks : in the winter season, daily outings with your furry friend often take place at dusk or in the dark . Sometimes you may find yourself in a thick fog, where it is difficult to even see your puppy on the other end of the leash. This creates a potentially dangerous situation, since any passers-by on motorbikes or bicycles may not see your dog.

Don’t worry: luckily there are specific accessories, namely the luminous and reflective leashes and collars , which offer greater safety even in the dark .

Another important precaution to keep your furry friend under control as much as possible is a Chrome address tag : this is a silver capsule that attaches to your dog’s collar, inside which you can insert your contact details and the most important information in case of emergency . If your puppy gets lost, thanks to the tag, anyone who finds him will be able to trace you with extreme ease.

While it is true that microchipping is mandatory and therefore in theory every dog ​​is associated with its human, the phone call is still the simplest and quickest way to get in touch with the owner of a lost animal.

The importance of creating a little place just for him

Every dog ​​greatly appreciates having a cozy place all to themselves , where they can curl up and rest, especially after all the day’s adventures.

In the first few days after choosing to adopt a puppy, we recommend that you set up several kennels around your apartment to help your little furry friend settle in.

Dogs, especially when they are small, sleep a lot, some up to 20 hours a day.

Comfortable and welcoming kennels

The Plastic dog beds  are a sturdy and at the same time welcoming solution: washable and therefore ideal in terms of hygiene, these dog beds are completed with a cushion of the appropriate size.

Of course, there are also ready-made sets , already supplied with their own matching cushion: this way your puppy will have a real bed on which to curl up in complete comfort.

Before purchasing, think about the size your dog will be when he is fully grown, to ensure that he does not have to change his bed once he has become fond of it.



The warmth of a soft blanket

What kind of bed is it, if it doesn’t have a warm blanket to wrap your puppy’s dreams? Among the basic equipment of your furry friend, blankets cannot be missing , usable directly on the sofa, on the bed, inside a basket and even on the floor.

There Pawty fleece blanket , for example, is not only extraordinarily comfortable and cozy for your furry friend, but is also an excellent solution for protecting your furniture from hair and dirt .

Equipped with a non-slip coating , it can be machine washed even at 90°C: a hygienically perfect solution in case your puppy has an “accident” right on his blanket and you therefore need to wash it thoroughly.

Furthermore, it is particularly soft and represents the ideal protection from the cold floor .

Chihuahua Dog BreedingDog toys: a classic for your puppy’s layette

Is your puppy well rested? Then it’s time to get out a nicedog game . Obviously, the right games are also a precious help when it comes to adopting a puppy: having fun with a new game will make him forget the nostalgia and disorientation of the first few days and will be an excellent start to creating an unbreakable bond with you .

The choice is truly huge, but there are some games that are perfectly suited to any dog ​​and will therefore also be perfect for your puppy.

The product makes not only the furry friend who receives it as a gift happy, but also his human: extremely resistant and durable , this indestructible game is very safe and equally versatile. In fact, it is ideal inteething stage , supports correct chewing and can be filled withsnacks to stimulate play.

The soft rubber material also allows this KONG for puppies to bounce , ensuring maximum fun.

Why include snacks in your furry friend’s welcome kit?

A puppy is always ready to learn, in any context. That’s why it’s important to positively reinforce any desired behavior or action as soon as it happens, with a reward that makes him understand that this is the right way to do it.

Rewards become essential, then, during the puppy’s settling in. Dog treats  are often the most practical option , especially when you’re out and about, but you can also reward your good furry friend with a game or an extra cuddle.

This explains why snacks are part of the basic equipment to prepare when you decide to adopt a puppy.

While traveling or walking in nature with your puppy, you can keep snacks close at hand thanks to a special container such as a handbag. Dog Activity Trixie Baggy Deluxe .

Easy training, with the dummy

Timing is a key factor in the success of the positive reinforcement training technique. The game of chase, throw and  fetchPreydummy Trixie  is a great accessory for outdoor activities with your puppy.

This game, created to stimulate social learning, is particularly suitable for dogs with a strongpredatory instinct .


Best Training Accessories: Whistles and Clickers

Whistles are an important aid, both in the delicate phase of settling into the new home and during teaching the basic rules , therefore they are an indispensable tool, the purchase of which must absolutely go hand in hand with the choice of adopting a puppy.

An example? Try the Trixie Ultrasonic Dog Whistle  with Adjustable Intensity: Can be individually set to always sound the same.

Once your dog gets used to this noise, he will be able to recognize it in other situations and will perceive it as a signal from you . The whistle is a very practical tool for controlling your furry friend, for example when you are hiking in the woods and fields, as well as in potentially dangerous situations.

You can train your puppy to stop at the whistle, or atcome back to you .

Using sounds in conjunction with other training methods can help you achieve even more effective results in dog training.

An innovative tool like theclicker  generates an unmistakable acoustic signal, which you can use specifically to train your puppy: the dog will soon learn to associate the sound of the clicker with a reward and will perceive it as a positive reinforcement of a particularly appropriate behavior.

A product like theMulti-clicker , for example, is adjustable both in terms of volume and type of sound, thus making it easier totraining multiple dogs at the same time .

How to teach your puppy to do his business outside

Adopting a puppy sometimes requires a good deal of patience. As the little furry friend gradually settles into his new family and home, there is one issue above all that quickly becomes a real challenge:teach him not to make a mess around the house.

In this very challenging phase, the Savic Puppy Trainer mats  can be a valid help: these are practical pads to be used both at home and while you are out and about, to prevent any accidents that can happen in any family dealing with a dog, even more so if it is only a few months old.

Has the puppy eaten too voraciously and vomited, or has he failed to communicate his urgent need to go out in time?

No problem: with the cleaning spray Savic Refresh’R Household Clinic Spray  you can easily clean the affected areas and remove 99.99% of germs and bacteria.

Speaking of needs: needless to say how important it is to keep the streets clean and therefore always remember to bring with you sturdy dog poop bags  every time you go out for a walk.

The bag allows you to collect your furry friend’s droppings hygienically, with a simple gesture.


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