Home » How to teach your dog to do his business outside

How to teach your dog to do his business outside

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dog to do his business outside

One of the first things to teach your puppy is that he can’t do his business in the house.

For your dog, doing his business outside means learning to hold back and, above all, to let you know when he feels the need to go out.


  1. Teaching your dog to do his business outside
  2. And at night?
  3. Three tips to win the challenge!
  4. When the adult dog soils in the house
  5. Lack of emotional connection

This is certainly not an immediate skill ; in some circumstances it can even happen that a furry friend who until then was impeccable in managing his needs starts to go to the toilet again. We have collected some information to help you understand how to teach your dog to do his business outside and what may be the reason why your furry friend has started to go to the toilet again

1-Teaching your dog to do his business outside


Teaching your dog to do his business outside, and apuppy in particular, requires time and energy , and can test your patience.

Don’t be discouraged and start off on the right foot: with a puppy you will get the best results by taking him regularly towalking and staying around with him until he does his business.

2- How often should I take my puppy out?

dog to do his business outsideEarly Stages: When to Go Out

  • After Each Nap
  • After Each Meal
  • After Playtime

Routine for Puppies Up to Three Months Old

  • Walk Every Hour or Two Hours
  • Gradually Increase Intervals as Puppy Grows

Monitoring Your Puppy’s Behavior

  • Keep It Under Control
  • Pick Up on Every Signal
  • Immediate Action When Puppy is Restless or Seeking Attention
  • Do Not Convey Anxiety or Haste
  • Importance of a Calm Approach
  • Compliments and Cuddles After Successful Outings
  • Don’t Worry About Passers-by

3- How do I know if my dog ​​needs to pee?

It is natural for dogs to look for a place far from their bed when they need to pee, and this is what you need to leverage to help them understand that their bathroom is not the same as yours.

Sometimes it can take weeks, if not months , before everything goes smoothly. And be careful, relapses are always lurking! First of all, therefore, arm yourself with good patience .

These behaviors, in any case, can be a clear signal that your furry friend urgently needs to go out.

Take your dog out if:

Why is it difficult to teach dogs to do their business outside?

  • Lack of Progress “It’s been months now and you feel like you’re not getting any results?”
  • Early Experiences “The difficulties could also be due to the fact that your puppy, when he was still at the breeding, has always done its business on the same type of terrain, and therefore still has to get used to the smells and consistency of the meadow or woods.”
  • Puppy’s Curiosity“Another obstacle can be his infinite curiosity: your little furball is fascinated by everything around him, especially when he is outdoors. He certainly has no time to waste thinking about peeing, and he will only remember it once you get home.”
  • Training Tips“Our advice, especially in the early stages, is to always take the puppy to do his business in the same place, at the beginning and end of the walk, so that he associates it with that and can concentrate better.”

5- Nighttime Challenges for Your Puppy

Indoor Nighttime Issues

    • Spending the Night Indoors
    • Potential Morning Surprises
    • Setting an Alarm
    • Breaking Up the Night for a Short Outing

Using a Dog Cage

    • Placing the Cage Next to Your Bed
    • Puppy Waking You Up to Go Out
    • Finding a Welcoming Place
    • Avoiding Too Much Space

6- Three tips to win the challenge!

Despite all your efforts, can’t you convince your furry friend to pee outside?

  • Tricks for Stubborn Dogs
    We still have three tricks that can be useful with the most stubborn furry friends.
  • Dog Litter Box
    You may not have heard of it, but dogs sometimes use a litter box too. Providing your furry friend with a litter box can prove to be a valid help. Be careful though, especially if he is a puppy, your furry friend will get used to the contact with the material of the litter box very quickly, and if he only knows this it will be even more difficult to convince him to use the lawn as a toilet.
  • Use Specific Cleaning Products
    Use specific cleaning products
    When your furry friend makes a mess in the house, immediately clean the corner where he has chosen to do his business with a special detergent. There is a risk that the dog, attracted by the smell, will quickly mistake that corner of your house for his bathroom! Remember that a dog’s sense of smell is much more sensitive than yours, so he may still detect odors even if everything seems very fragrant to you.

Dog Breeds That Don't Like SwimmingImportant Training Tips

Very important: never scold your puppy!

Your frustration is understandable, but do your best to ignore any surprises your dog leaves around the house and never scold him. A puppy has virtually the same bladder and bowel control as a baby in diapers. Very often he doesn’t need your outburst to understand what happened, in fact, by scolding him he will connect your anger to his pee, without localizing the fact.

Preventing Indoor Accidents

In the worst case, this will undo any progress made so far and the puppy will simply learn to choose different places to do his business, but still indoors. If your puppy often soils inside the house,

Conclusion: Patience and Consistency Pay Off

Your patience will be rewarded: once you understand how to teach your dog to do his business outside, the mission will be accomplished, you will be able to trust him and not fear surprises.

7- When the adult dog soils in the house

Initial Concerns

  • Did it seem like your furry friend had the idea, and then suddenly he goes back to messing around in the house?
  • After all this effort to understand how to teach your dog to do his business outside, it’s normal to feel like your world is collapsing!

Possible Medical Causes

  • But try to stay calm.
  • If your dog is an adult and has been doing his business outside for many years without any problems, it is very likely that the causes of his regression are to be found in his organism.
  • Observe your four-legged friend: a dog used to doing his business outside who, gradually or suddenly, starts to mess around the house, could also be showing symptoms of an illness.
  • This could be, for example, an inflammation of the bladder or intestine, but also of digestive problems following a change in diet or even an allergy.
  • If your furry friend is now a bit older, you may suffer from incontinence: a problem that occurs when the bladder muscles are weaker, due to old age, and in particular in spayed females.
  • So, if your furry friend suddenly shows this type of abnormal behavior, our advice is to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to investigate the situation further.

Lack of Emotional Connection

  • The cause of a sudden regression of this kind, however, does not necessarily have to be of pathological origin.
  • Like puppies, adult dogs can also react to a situation of distress showing unusual behavior, such as suddenly returning to do one’s business around the house.
  • This can happen, for example, to dogs that have spent a long time in kennel, who have not received a specific education on this subject or who struggle to establish relationships of trust with humans.


  • In these circumstances, it is even more important to keep your nerves and not scold the poor dog.
  • It is better to gloss over the problem and not make any comments in the presence of the dog: especially for furry friends who suffer from anxiety, peeing could become a further cause of discomfort if linked to a negative experience such as your anger.
  • The ideal is to try to build a positive bond with your furry friend and continue to praise and reward him every time, even accidentally, he does his business outside.
  • Don’t worry, it might take longer than you expect, but training a dog to do his business outside is not an impossible mission, even if he’s no longer a puppy!


  • In the most difficult situations, the intervention of a dog trainer or a training course could prove to be decisive.
  • Together with a professional, you will be able to understand more easily the causes of the problem that afflicts your beloved furry friend and work on a solution.

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