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Protect Your Puppy

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protect your puppy

There is no doubt about protect your puppy: with their soft paws, sweet eyes and desire to play, puppies are truly adorable! But with their exuberance, can they involve even older dogs in their games? Is there really a protective attitude on the part of the latter towards younger dogs?


  1. Puppies (not) have everything allowed
  2. Really safe only within the pack
  3. Better to play it safe

Meetings with unknown furry friends

1- Puppies (not) have everything allowed

Apparently, many people think that their puppy has some sort of protective shield . They assume that adult dogs have a certain tolerance towards their little ones and that, therefore, there is nothing to fear when they meet.

Unfortunately, this is a false assumption that can lead to disastrous consequences. In this article, we will try to explain how things stand.

2- Really safe only within the pack

Among wolves, it has been observed that adult specimens are quite tolerant towards the cubs that are part of their pack, since the latter do not yet know the rules that govern it. The entire pack turns a blind eye to the pranks committed by the cubs .

  • The freedom to do what you want only applies to cubs.
    However, this behavior is only valid among wolves , or rather, with wolf puppies up to seven weeks of age . Puppies raised by humans at this age are usually still with their parents.

    However, kinship also plays an important role in protecting cubs, since among wolves it only applies within the pack. Cubs from other packs, however, would be in grave danger of death in similar situations. Mother wolves, of course, try in every way to avoid this type of encounter.

  • The Myth of Puppy Protection
    In summary: nature protects puppies only within a very restricted environment . Behavioral biology does not recognize any concept of natural protectiveness or tolerance of the puppy , which instead has become more and more a myth among those who have a dog as a paw friend.

By the way: once they reach three months, wolves also expect their cubs to know and respect the rules of the pack.

[blockquote align=”none” author=” – Mahatma Gandhi”]”The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”[/blockquote]

proect your puppy3- Better to play it safe

“Even the neighbor’s fierce dog starts wagging his tail with joy when he sees little Argo. He loves to play with my lively furry friend. This shows that puppies are allowed to do anything! ”

  • Sympathy does not equal protection
    Of course, you may encounter an unknown dog that lets your dog do everything. But this has nothing to do with the existence of some sort of protective shield. In most cases, these are dogs that have received good socialization and understand that with a small, defenseless puppy it is better to go slowly , or perhaps there is a mutual sympathy.
  • Serious conflicts are possible
    Therefore, it is better to play it safe and put aside the idea that your little furry friend , just because he is still a puppy, is immune from entering into conflict with other dogs . Even if a furry stranger approaches him without any threatening appearance, a carelessness can lead to alarming or even dangerous situations for him.

protect your puppy
Meetings with unknown furry friends

These precautions are especially important since contact with other dogs during the first year of life will have a great influence on your furry friend . It can happen that some adult dogs become nervous in front of the exuberance of a puppy. As a result, they may growl or bite .

  • Avoid confrontational encounters
    If you feel like your puppy isn’t safe when you meet other dogs , there’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to avoid them and push your dog away . If necessary, even carrying him away in your arms!
    A negative experience with another similar person often causes us to take steps backwards in terms ofsocialization and can turn a curious, confident puppy into a fearful, nervous dog.
  • Puppy lessons and dog school
    Our advice to have many positive encounters and make your puppy sociable from an early age is to attendpuppy lessons at a good dog school. Here your furry friend can meet many other furry friends and begin to familiarize himself with “canine etiquette”.


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